all roads to Safeco Field welcome Junior...
There were trucks passing by with "Hit it Here, Griffey!", hand held "We've missed you, Junior!" banners and this creative embellishment among road construction materials...

the tradition continues...
My mother-in-law and I have lost count, or can't pinpoint the actual "first date"...
but we know we shared at least one Opening Day date in the Kingdome.

in our seats in plenty of time to take in the ceremonies...
From a dance troop dancing with the moose, to the WBC flag procession, to a moment of silence in remembrance of those passed, to the Gold Glove presentation, to the Make-a-Wish boy who christened the base-paths of the 2009 season, to HoF broadcaster Dave Niehaus reciting an 'ode to Safeco Field poem to commemorate our summer home's 10th anniversary ~ we enjoyed all the pomp and circumstance.

the love fest was loud, it was long and it was often...
Anticipation built, as the announcements were made - first the coaches, trainers, etc. as they stood on the first baseline, then one-by-one the players ran out of the tunnel onto the red carpet. Junior would bat third as the DH ~ and the place erupted. It would happen again the first time he stepped to the plate, after he collected his first hit and in each subsequent at bat.

just a catchy slogan, or a concise description of reality?
So far, so good. Looking forward to see if it can be sustained.

ceremony under an extended roof, baseball under blue skies...
A bit chilly (48 degrees at first pitch) but the sun was out and the Emerald City simply sparkled.

how long will the current flag order remain?

Blue Jays
Red Sox

Finally, LET's ....

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