AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi
M's 5 | Padres 0
Yes indeedy, just another "Happy Felix Day"!
Loverly to see Felix with his first complete game shutout of the season...
and a 2-hitter no less (with the second hit not coming til the 9th inning)
Oh yeah, as the first hitter in the top of the 9th, Felix walked (and SCORED!) for good measure :-)
And then there was Franklin...
whose homer in the 3rd inning was the first and only run of the game until Adrian's homer in the 7th and he made a GREAT catch in the 7th, easily robbing Headly of a double.
Wak showing Felix some love after the game...
ever since that night at Safeco Field when Wak basically called him out for not "stepping up" (and I distinctly remember listening to Wak's words on the post game show while waiting for the bus home after the game) Felix has performed not just admirably, but down right awesomely.
Way to step up, Felix. Way to step up.
AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi
In a post game interview with Shannon, Felix gave kudos to "Burkie" ...
referencing the repore he felt he had with his catcher as well as how well "all the guys in the field" performed.
Those comments are extremely telling and important:
ONE - it shows that Felix is growing up as a pitcher AND as a man
TWO - that stellar play in the field is REQUIRED, if the M's are going to compete
again, how did the pads win 10 in a row earlier.
ReplyDeleteEven I expect more than 2 hits from them!
Great Game to Felix, he shuld make the All-Star team.