As fabulous as it was to watch Mr. Lee execute his craft to near perfection. But, as happy as I was to see the M's record their second victory in a row (in the way most expected their W's to come - great P, solid D and just enough O), all I could think of when it was over was .... what a shame Cliff is not long for a Mariner uniform.
“It’s about being able to score more than them and having a horse on the mound like Cliff Lee,” Mariners manager Don Wakamatsu said. “I don’t know if you can pitch any better than he did tonight against an awfully good-hitting ballclub. Command. Aggressiveness. Feel for all his pitches. Tempo. Economy of his pitches. Just a tremendous outing and awfully special to watch.”If only things could have been different...
Most knew that things would have to align nearly to perfection, but no could have predicted they would fall SO short of the mark, with SO many guys not even approaching their career numbers making it next to impossible to keep Cliff for even the short term, let alone having a shot signing him for the long haul. So, have to be satisfied with having been able to watch him for a very short time and hope that his unprecedented work ethic and awesome attitude, that only serve to enhance his super talent, has left its mark on some of his current teammates and that they will be better for it as individuals AND as a unit.
Elaine Thompson/AP
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